Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Shortest Definition of life !

Today I was thinking about to write something ! But could not recognizing the theme about which I wanted to write ! I was a bit confused ! And suddenly I was clicked with the word “ problem “ as I was facing the same on recognizing my theme !
And I realized,
Life is literally a Problem ! Or conversely you can say, the shortest definition of life is “problems” ! So always try to find the best possible solutions to them!  And we should always be ready to deal with that Crap !
I remember, the day when I was talking to a guy, casually, and during the conversation he explained a bit about the word problem. He said,
“ Problems are not a problem at all ! Rather they are needs !  If there is a problem, then that’s sounds like there is a need ! Try to fulfill that ! And the problem will no more be  there ! “
I really liked it and logically accepted those words !
You may think of an example !  That you want to buy a car !  And your problem is, you don’t have sufficient money!  So you can recognize  here above the problem of money is the NEED! So problems are actually needs! The problem is always  the distance between expectation and reality. Either expect less and accept reality or expect a lot and turn it into reality.
So, always stay Charm full  and live well !
Affection Shows Human Mentality,But Situation Shows Human Reality !  The plus symbol is made with two minus symbols, So all negative things can be shaped as positive by our hard promises and positive thinking. So, Live Well !
It is the greatest revenge for those who avoided and hurted you !

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Control Your Emotions Consistently!

Think  !
Control Your Emotions Consistently!   
We can see! We are always in one emotional state at any given time. These states could be positive or negative. We are constantly switching from one emotional state to another,  we  just don't notice it.
The things people say about us, positive or negative, intentionally or unintentionally, can have a dramatic effect on our life. So if we do not positively control our emotions, then someone else will.
If you hear something about you being said that is not true, do not let yourself get emotionally attached. It will only increase the emotional pain, and could make you unwell. Instead, take control of your thought. Redirect your thought to something positive and tell yourself that you will not allow negative gossip to ruin your day ! Being human ! We has enough trails to make us strong, enough sorrow to keep us human and enough hope to make us happy !
Even more  the future is not something we enter. The future is something we create. And it is always true that, moral life is the backbone of the spiritual life. There cannot be any spiritual life without a moral life.
So, be not afraid of going slowly, But be afraid of standing Still !
If your mind can conceive it and your heart can believe it - then you can achieve it.
Even the lonely woodpecker owes his success to the fact that he uses his head
All great things are always simple, and many can be expressed in single words: like, freedom! Justice! Honor! Duty!  Mercy! hope.
I believe! That we should be thoughtful of the opinions of others; Because there are always three sides to a controversy – yours ! the other man's ! And the right side ! JJ
Here I found some nice words!
Man is the builder of his own fate. Man lives a two-fold life, a visible material life and an invisible mental life. His outward deeds are simply the results of his inner thoughts and feelings. Our entire nature is fed by our thoughts. Mind means flow of thoughts. Mind is man.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Desperate !!!

 I found! How Desperate you/we  are!  That’s Actually Matter!   In every where of life! We grew up with our disparity !

As we grow, our disparity grow!  If we could not do any particular thing at our Early age!
Than that’s only mean we were not enough desperate to do that particular thing!
You may think of some example! Like,  Love !  sex !  Murder!  win  ! loos, 2 save, 2fight! 2forgive,! 2accept! 2leave !  2 live ! 2hurt ! 2 enjoy ! & on & on & on & on…

You could not Propose!  Than its simple, you were not enough Desperate! You need some more disparity  ! Try it saying again  with more disparity ! And now you will done !
If you could not even kill  any particular thing! Then again its simple,  you were not enough Desperate! You need some more disparity  ! Try it doing  again  with more disparity ! And now you will done !

So we are going through! And enjoying our life only  with  our  “ soul mate” or “ life boat”! 
And die too..So this disparity is the thing that actually can give us! You ! What we/you want!
So  BE desperate ! For whatever you are! That’s the key!
Be remember that !  “Desparetors “ Are always honored!
Now I am................Desperate !!! 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Being a Scorpion

 Tweets from Scorpio season ♥     

Scorpios have a 6th sense so Always Be Honest with them & they'll be your Friend for life:)

•To know a Scorpio you really have to spend a lifetime w/them. No, there's no other way, not even 20 questions!

•Scorpios are very emotional people, who need love, crave, fight and ask for it./@ZodiacFacts

•Catching lies is a pastime for the #Scorpio and it's never shocking for them, they expect you to withhold some of the truth./@ZodiacFacts

•#Scorpios enter this life with a sense of impending danger and therefore assume the worst in every situation./@ZodiacFacts

•A casual love affair hold little interest for #Scorpio ~They look for a deeper connection ♥/@Love Scopes

•Scorpios have the determination, intuition, independence, persistence, creativity & skills to land them in high positions

•Scorpios have the ability to understand people's deepest emotions. This can also be their Achilles heal

•Scorpios are the strongest most lovable friends ever. Their loyalty is unquestionable but hidden & their interests are honorable

•Prerequisites to date a Scorpio: #1 Have a high patience level w/emotional matters

•Prerequisites to date a Scorpio: #2 Get expertise in the art of skilled lovemaking

•Prerequisites to date a Scorpio: #3 Don't be boring (EVER)

•Prerequisites to date a Scorpio: #4 Don't ever ask for advice unless you can handle the truth, so ask at your own peril

•#Scorpio, of course, wants nothing but the best, so winners only need apply with this sign./@ZodiacFacts

•#Scorpio will expect you to be strong, courageous & ambitious ~ They like you to have a goal in life ♥/@LoveScopes

•#Scorpio have equally great power for good or evil, healing or destruction, light or dark ♥/@LoveScopes

•#Scorpio tend to move through life in cycles ~ Once one ends they'll rebuild & start over ♥/@LoveScopes

•Scorpio is a fixed-water sign,and to say they have a reputation for being difficult to relax around is probably an understatement/@ZodiacFacts

•#Scorpios can be very plain in their speech, even blunt, sometimes sarcastic and often forceful./@ZodiacFacts

•#Scorpios are prone to having an inner self destruct button, which they push compulsively from time to time./@ZodiacFacts

•Water signs #Cancer #Scorpio #Pisces have a need to connect mentally with their partners ♥/@LoveScopes

•Water signs #Cancer #Scorpio #Pisces represent 'emotionality' ~They're caring & sensitive ♥/@LoveScopes

•Water signs #Cancer #Scorpio #Pisces can tend to overreact in some situations ♥/@LoveScopes

•As a #Scorpio whatever you involve yourself in tends to be of serious consequence: you rarely take matters lightly./@ZodiacFacts

•It's the allure of secrecy and mystery that catches a #Scorpiosattention. Scorpios love it when you play hard to get./@ZodiacFacts

•Scorpios are selective in choosing their partners & want the best

Scorpio women only find the truly alpha male appealing & want men who are intelligent,courageous & ambitious

•Once you pass all the preliminary & eliminating tests, a Scorpio will be the most romantic & ardent lover you will ever get

•Love making w/a Scorpio woman can be described as a roller coaster ride which will leave u breathless & wanting more

•Scorpios live hard, love hard & give their hearts fully & unconditionally

•Scorpio Positive Traits: Determined Forceful Emotional Intuitive Powerful Passionate Exciting Magnetic

Monday, February 7, 2011

Its 7th feb! And my days experience!

Today I had a walk to be remember with my dad! With the conversation goes on, I realize !
Life is soooo critical! Yet so! Beautiful! And yet so! Charming!
I am having a! grate time with my life! Today I learned Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises! To wine the virtue ! Some times you need to sacrifice! Those who know how to keep there patience! Are really being respected for there pleasant!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Be Composing You !

When you know and find yourself, you don't really care if someone else will..if ever someone tried..! You become in good terms with yourself! First --"just find yourself" & tell me if you had feel the same..;.!
If your potentials spontaneity and true nature, soul and spirit will be imprisoned under the name of love, then it becomes useless and rather needless...! Everyone will love you for the original you..and you should not try to make a modified copy of yourself to please anyone. Changing you to please someone will destroy part of your original charm..! Remain yourself or become a better you..! You may lose someone, or many ones but don't lose "you"
Behind everything you see...there is a "story" ;)! So you ought to search for the story before just judging what you see..! So be Knocking on the surface….
“I don't want your sweetness if your sour is that sour!” !
So always be composing you !
The people you know..may change something in you...the people you like may affect you in a way or another...but the people you "love", compose if someone goes away, a part of you just falls..! Just be picky...cuz the people u choose to compose you, is what you will "become".
Because, there is a bit of you in everyone you associate like and everyone you take as a friend...and that's the bit that creates the bond with others.
Seriously! Keep your old love letters but throw away your old bank statements!
Immature Love Says " I Love You Because I Need You". and Mature Love Says " I Need You Because I Love You" !
I never quite understood these until recently...I think failed relationships can either mature you or regress you in terms of love. I think failed relationships has always matured us in many ways. In many relationships you jumped ship when things weren't the fairytale ! you was looking for!
But also one day you may receive a saying "THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A FAIRYTALE IN THE REAL LOVE!!!!"...
It's not hard to love someone when all the chips are up and everything is gumdrops and lollipops, but man o man is love a test of faith and patience when the chips are down, you and your mate can't see eye-to-eye and you just want to punch them in the face Chuck Norris style! And Chuck Norris is the strongest man alive. When Chuck Norris plays Oregon Trail his family does not die from cholera or dysentery, but rather roundhouse kicks to the face. He also requires no wagon, since he carries the oxen, axels, and buffalo meat on his back. He always makes it to Oregon before you.
A kind of, “all I really want is some comfort, A way to get my hands untied………
My very favorite part!  And all I really want is some justice...! :-) All I want..!
So little time!!! “ Try to understand that I’m Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name But everybody's changing!
And I don't feel the same! “ !
I wish I could go into greater detail, but I'll just say my emotions are in “turmoil”! A state of extreme confusion! And i need time to sort things out... !!! :-) :-)